Media release: Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Church tax exemptions and licensing must be cancelled:
Vancouver City Council ordered to Cease and Desist or face sanctions
Church privileges must be cancelled: Vancouver City Council ordered to nullify tax exemptions
Vancouver, Canada:
A coalition of citizens that includes local indigenous elders has issued a Public Cease and Desist Order to Vancouver Mayor Ken Sim and the ten city councilors.
The Order requires that the Vancouver City Council immediately cancel all tax exemptions and licensing for the Roman Catholic, Anglican, and United Church of Canada churches or face sanctions for their complicity with these churches’ “proven and self-admitted genocide and ongoing crimes against humanity.”
The group presented its Cease and Desist Order to the Mayor and city councilors at their regular meeting this morning at City Hall. The Order includes a general Banishment Proclamation against these churches that was also issued today by local indigenous elders and their allies.
A copy of this Cease and Desist Order and the Banishment Proclamation against these churches is included in this media release.
“The City of Vancouver is aiding and abetting churches with the blood of sixty thousand children on their hands,” said the group’s statement.
“Under the United Nations Convention on Genocide to which Canada is a signatory, these churches must be ‘prosecuted and punished’ for their murder of generations of indigenous children in their Indian residential schools, and for ongoing Crimes against Humanity. If Vancouver’s mayor and city councilors do not abide by the law and assist in such prosecution and punishment of proven genocidal churches, they are willing partners in their crimes and must be removed from office for the public’s safety and welfare.”
Among the offenses of these churches cited by the group are the torture and murder of over 60,000 Indian residential school children and the obstruction of justice, child trafficking, money laundering for organized crime, defrauding the public, secretly appropriating public revenue, violating the terms of their tax-exempt status under Canadian law, and criminally conspiring to protect and enable in-house child rapists and killers.
The group and indigenous shamans are also commencing Reclamation Ceremonies at Catholic, Anglican, and United churches this week to occupy and evict them from Vancouver, in accordance with traditional spirituality, international law, and the Banishment Proclamation issued today. They call upon the Vancouver police and public to assist them in these actions.
Similar actions and Cease and Desist Orders to city and provincial governments are being launched this week across Canada by indigenous and community groups.
For information contact angelfire101@protonmail.com and see www.murderbydecree.com under ‘ITCCS Updates’.

Children murdered at the Catholic Lejac ‘Indian residential school’
A Public Cease and Desist Order to the Mayor and City Councilors of Vancouver
Issued to Mayor Ken Sim and Councilors Rebecca Bligh, Christine Boyle, Adrianne Carr, Lisa Dominato, Peter Fry, Sarah Kirby-Yung, Mike Klassen, Peter Meiszner, Brian Montague, and Lenny Zhou
On Tuesday, September 12, 2023 by the People of Vancouver and their indigenous allies
LET IT BE KNOWN that you, the Mayor and Councilors of the City of Vancouver, are aiding and abetting criminal actions by the Roman Catholic, Anglican, and United Church of Canada by granting tax exemptions, licensing, and other privileges to these convicted, self-admitted genocidal organizations.
BE ADVISED that such complicity by you with these criminal organizations is in direct violation of the Law of Nations and the United Nations Convention on Genocide (1948), to which Canada is a signatory, whereby these churches must be “prosecuted and punished” for their killing of over 60,000 indigenous children in their Indian residential schools, and for the ongoing rape and trafficking of children and other Crimes against Humanity. (www.murderbydecree.com)
ACCORDINGLY, you, the Mayor and City Councilors of Vancouver, ARE HEREBY ORDERED by the law, We the People, and local indigenous elders to immediately Cease and Desist from granting tax exemptions, licensing, and other privileges to these criminal churches.
IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS ORDER, you, the Mayor and Councilors of Vancouver, ARE HEREBY ORDERED to publicly declare that the Roman Catholic, Anglican, and United Church constitute a real and present danger to the children and citizens of Vancouver because of the crimes listed herein, and that the funds of these churches constitute criminal largesse;
ACCORDINGLY, you ARE HEREBY ORDERED to direct the Vancouver City Police and the public to actively prevent these church crimes and assist those who are banishing and reclaiming these churches in Vancouver.
BE ADVISED that if you fail or refuse to comply with this Order, you will face public censure, removal from office, and prosecution as willing accessories to crimes against humanity.
BE FURTHER ADVISED that this lawful Cease and Desist Order is issued to you as part of the Banishment and Reclamation of these criminal churches from the City of Vancouver by indigenous elders who hold original title to this land, and by We the People. You must therefore immediately comply with this Order according to the terms of the following Public Banishment and Reclamation Order, issued today, Tuesday, September 12, 2023.
As presented and witnessed by Kevin Annett Eagle Strong Voice, the authorized fiduciary agent for Siem Kiapilano of the traditional Squamish people under a legal appointment registered in the British Columbia Supreme Court on March 4, 2008. (Docket S036483, Vancouver Registry)

LET IT BE KNOWN that, as convicted and self-admitted perpetrators of genocide, the Roman Catholic, Anglican, and United Church of Canada are hereby and forever evicted and banished from the City of Vancouver. As spiritually and legally disestablished bodies, their properties and wealth are reclaimed as public assets that are hereafter owned and operated by the people.
This Public Banishment and Reclamation is ordered by the B.C. Supreme Court Order of March 4, 2008 (Docket No. S036483) and the International Common Law Court of Justice Order of February 25, 2013 (www.murderbydecree.com), which convicted these churches of genocide, disestablished them, and abolished their legal right to operate or gather revenue.
1. The officials, clergy, and employees of the Roman Catholic, Anglican, and United Church of Canada are ordered to immediately vacate the premises of these church buildings or face arrest for illegal trespass.
2. The adherents of these churches and the public are prohibited from attending, funding, or associating with these criminal churches.
3. The Mayor and Councilors of the City of Vancouver are ordered to immediately cancel all tax exemptions, licensing, and other privileges of these churches or be removed from office and prosecuted as accessories to criminal organizations.
4. The Vancouver Police are ordered to enforce these measures against these churches and to assist in the seizure of their properties and assets as the avails of criminality or be publicly charged as accessories to criminal organizations.
5. The public is authorized and encouraged to seize and reclaim the properties and wealth of these criminal churches and use them for the public welfare. They can call upon the Vancouver police to assist them in these actions, or invoke Citizens’ Arrest laws to act as their own peace officers to enforce this Order.
This Banishment Order is required as a public safety measure and therefore has the full force and effect of the law. It is an indictable offense to refuse or resist this Order.
This Order is required by the following uncontested facts established under the law and due process in courts of law:
· The Roman Catholic, Anglican, and United churches have committed and concealed genocide and the murder of many tens of thousands of children in Canadian Indian residential schools for over a century and have admitted to and been criminally convicted of these crimes in international courts of law.
· The Chief Fiduciary Officer of the Roman Catholic Church, Jorge Bergoglio (aka ‘Pope Francis’) publicly admitted on July 30, 2022 that genocide had been committed in these church-run Indian residential schools, repeating a similar public admission by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on June 4, 2019;
· The Roman Catholic, Anglican, and United churches continue to systematically perpetrate criminal acts, including the rape and trafficking of children, obstruction of justice, and money laundering for criminal organizations;
· These churches are consistently violating the terms of their tax-exempt status under Canadian law by using their revenue for purposes other than the works of charity and the advancement of religion, and for overtly criminal purposes;
· The Roman Catholic Church is engaged in trafficking in utero and newborn children through a “Baby for Adoption” arrangement with local hospitals and adoption agencies;
· These churches are actively engaged in a criminal conspiracy to aid and protect child rapists according to a standing policy of the Roman Catholic Church called “Crimen Sollicitationas” (1929) that requires that all church members violate the law by concealing rape and other harm done to children and not informing the police;
· The Roman Catholic Church is appropriating substantial revenue from Canadian taxpayers through a secret “Financial Concordat” agreement with the Canadian government that has never been approved by Parliament or any court of law;
· Because of these crimes, these churches are perpetrating criminal assault, theft, and fraud on the people of Vancouver in violation of public trust and the rule of law;
· These churches were legally banished from the City of Vancouver by a B.C. Supreme Court Order dated March 4, 2008 (Docket S036483) issued by the hereditary title holder of the territory of Vancouver, Squamish Siem Kiapilano, and therefore all two hundred and seventy nine of these churches in Vancouver are in a state of criminal trespass;
· International Law and the laws of Canada prohibit the public and government officials from funding or aiding and abetting Transnational Criminal Organizations like these churches and penalize anyone who engages in such complicity.
Based on these legally established and uncontested facts, the Vancouver city authorities, the police, and the public are compelled to obey and enforce this Banishment Order, on pain of censure and prosecution for aiding and abetting criminal organizations.
An accompanying spiritual reclamation statement is forthcoming.
Issued today, Tuesday, September 12, 2023, in Vancouver on traditional indigenous land
This Banishment Order is presented and witnessed by Kevin Annett Eagle Strong Voice, the authorized fiduciary agent for Siem Kiapilano of the traditional Squamish people under a legal appointment registered in the British Columbia Supreme Court on March 4, 2008 (Docket S036483, Vancouver Registry).

www.murderbydecree.com, angelfire101@protonmail.com
cc: the global media, the public, and police, government, and human rights agencies See attachments and youtube link: