The Great Canadian Whitewash:
The Great Canadian Whitewash: Where did all those dead little Indians go? And why are we supposed to forget about them?
by Kevin Annett, M.A., M.Div.
Advisor to the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State;
Author, Murder by Decree: The Crime of Genocide in Canada (2016)
The Canadian Whitewash: Missing Children then and now

We have had to start burying children two or three to a grave.– John Zimmerman, Principal of the Anglican’s Mohawk Indian Residential School, in a letter to the Department of Indian Affairs, May 3, 1948
I didn’t know what the smell was, what burning flesh smelled like. But they kept those furnaces in the school burning twenty-four seven. I saw Brother Murphy and another priest shove those little bodies in there and they burned them up. – William Combes, survivor of the Catholic Kamloops Indian residential school, 2008
We can’t open those kids’ graves. It would be too huge an investigation.– RCMP Constable Gerry Peters to Kevin Annett, referring to the mass grave at the United Church’s Alberni Indian residential school, August 5, 1997
The conditions are being deliberately created in our Indian schools to spread infectious disease. The death rate often exceeds fifty percent. This is a national crime. – Dr. Peter Bryce, Indian Affairs medical inspector, November 10, 1907
Where mass murder is officially sanctioned, there can be no truth, and no justice. – Simon Wiesenthal
Things can get absurd when serial killers investigate themselves.
Back in the 1960’s, Ku Klux Klan sheriffs in Mississippi saw nothing wrong with their conducting the autopsy on the remains of the civil rights workers they had murdered and thrown into a swamp, and their announcing they died of “natural causes”. The Klan investigators were the law, after all.
Here in the Great White North, the legal lynchings are no less surreal, but they are more hidden.
Canadians have never had the honesty of our southern neighbors when it comes to wiping out The Others, camouflaging our racially targeted mass murder in pious language and self-exoneration.
In the spring of 1891, Church and Crown began systematically exterminating aboriginal children in special internment camps deceptively called “Indian residential schools” established by a secret Order in Council. By the government’s own records, over half of those children died therein, or at least 60,000 souls. Generations of documents and witnesses show that the remains of these children were incinerated, pulped, or buried in mass graves across the country, as part of a century-long criminal conspiracy at the highest levels of power in Canada and Britain. (1)
That conspiracy sprouted its ugly head again this past week when the traditional accomplice of a genocidal Canadian Church and State, the corporate media, issued this big lie: “After a year, no evidence exists that children were buried at former Indian residential schools.” (Canadian Press, May 23, 2022)
After a year? Have IQ’s just plummeted in editorial offices? Independent forensic investigations at residential school mass graves have been conducted since 1907, and as recently as the fall of 2011 and early in 2017. And yet none of the hard evidence of those digs and the voluminous research accompanying them has ever found its way into the Canadian press. The latter has systematically censored any reference to such graves, until last year, which was dubbed “The year of the graves” by the National Post.
More accurately, it should be known as “The year of the Big Spin”.
In a contrived scenario that would make a corporate PR shark wince, a carefully managed “dig” of a grave site was announced at the former Kamloops residential school in May 2021. Like a latter-day KKK “investigation” into race killings, the “dig” was conducted by none other than the RCMP, who for generations had rounded up and imprisoned children in the “school”, chased runaways, and routinely destroyed children’s remains after they had died from beatings, starvation, rape, and torture.
After a staged media hype, the Kamloops graves holding the Mounties’ little victims were roped off by them, and their alleged dig began. But no-one was allowed access to the site besides insiders, the forensic results were never announced, and the event was cloaked in the usual secrecy. It turns out to have been an enormous psyops to “prove” once and for all that there are no mass graves of children, for that’s what the corporate and the gutter press are now claiming. In fact, it proves the opposite: that the crown, church, and big money that murdered so many children are still desperately trying to whitewash their memory, for that crime is continuing, as is the attending camouflage.
The official duplicity and “night and fog” surrounding 60,000 dead little Indians is nothing new. The stage-managed “Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) – set up in 2008 by the guilty churches and government – forbade the naming of names or the location of mass graves. It also allowed the churches to scrub their records, and was eventually authorized by the Supreme Court of Canada to destroy anything “incriminating” uncovered by it and previous hearings. (2)
So much for the legal inviolability of crime scene evidence in Canada!
These criminal shenanigans by the government and crown courts are very familiar to me. Since 1995, I have had the blessing and the curse of being at the heart of the movement to expose the Canadian genocide. For those nearly thirty years, what has played out across the nation is the same masterfully effective ploy by those who did the crime to permanently erase the memory and the record of their genocide.
Not only at Kamloops last year, but for decades, the RCMP, churches, and government have systematically destroyed buried remains, silenced eyewitnesses, and relied on a controlled media and academia to restrict the residential school narrative and legal litigation to a matter of allegedly random and long-past “abuses”. To do so, they have had to ignore and suppress the actual residential school evidence, since the latter indicates that mass murder was the aim and the result of the “schools” from their inception; and that, far from stopping, the same crimes carry on today.
Years ago, I discovered a smoking gun document about our homegrown genocide. It was an Indian Agent’s report from the Anglican Elkhorn Indian school in Regina, one of the first residential schools to open, in 1891. (below) In the report, eight of the twelve students had died or were dying: two thirds of them, despite a death rate of less than 5% on the children’s neighboring Cree reservation. The same huge mortality was found in every Indian school across western Canada; and that death rate was still occurring during the 1950’s, over sixty years later! (3)

Source: The Department of Indian Affairs RG 10 series archives, Ottawa
Why did children begin dying at genocidal rates the very first year a residential school opened, and why did that death rate continue for more than half a century? That simple question has never been addressed or answered by anyone in “official” Canadian society, nor will it ever be. For the very fact that the death rate never slackened over those decades indicates a deliberate intent to keep it at or above fifty percent each year: a mortality higher than that of Auschwitz. (4)
The “Indian residential schools” were church-administered killing zones set up to depopulate Indian nations in targeted, resource-rich areas. These domestic death camps constituted the biggest crime of State and Church in Canadian history.
In the spring of 1907, an Indian Affairs doctor named Peter Bryce discovered the method used in this slaughter. After visiting every Indian school in western Canada, where most of them were located, Bryce concluded that healthy children were being routinely exposed by staff to those dying of tuberculosis and were never treated, resulting in the enormous death rate of between 40% and 60%.

Source: Report of Dr. Peter Bryce to Department of Indian Affairs, November 1907, Ottawa. This record refers to the Anglican Blood reserve Indian school in Sarcee, Alberta

Source: The Story of a National Crime by Dr. Peter Bryce, Toronto, 1921. (Reprinted in its entirety at, Appendix Three)
This murderous practice by school staff was not random but general, and constant, and was so common that it was still being inflicted on children in the 1960’s! Nine survivors of such deliberate exposure to sick children testified to its use at the first Tribunal to investigate these crimes, convened in Vancouver in June 1998. (5)

First report of death rates in Indian residential schools of as much as 69%, based on Dr. Bryce’s report: The Ottawa Citizen newspaper, November 15, 1907
Canadians routinely claim ignorance of these deadly actions and the constantly huge death rates in the Christian-run death camps. But such unawareness is hard to understand, when one considers how long the nation has known of these crimes: for well over a century, in fact, ever since the first report of Dr. Bryce’s findings were published on the front page of the Ottawa Citizen on November 15, 1907. Besides, under the law, ignorance of a crime is no defense when one is implicated in it.
No-one can meaningfully discuss or investigate the mass graves of Indian children in Canada without considering who and what caused their death, and the enormity of the death rate over many decades. But that is what Canada, its courts, and a complicit media have done, fogging those causes in their painting of the issue as a crime without criminals or resolution.
Of course, genocidal regimes act like that when the graves of their victims start opening, and their captive populations invariably swallow their deceptions. Normally, people can see through a lie – even a lie as entrenched and absolute as the Great Canadian Whitewash – but they cannot do so if they have need of that lie. And what is clear is that Canada in the year 2022 has a desperate need to forever erase any investigation of the mass graves of Indians, who continue to die at the hands of big money, and specifically China: the de facto owner of Canada’s west coast.
According to a Tsimshian elder in northern British Columbia,
“Just look where most of our people keep going missing, along the Highway of Tears. It’s where PetroChina’s liquid natural gas pipelines are, and where China is settling all their illegal immigrants to grab our lands. There’s dozens of fresh graves of our people between Terrace and Prince George. They’re getting murdered by the Chinese and Mounties to get the oil and gas.”
When we remember the fallen children and refuse to deny their slaughter, we also recall the thing that exterminated them, and feel its coils tightening around our own lives. Learn the lesson, deny the lie, and strike while you still can.
June 1, 2022
1. This history of state and church sponsored genocide in Canada is thoroughly documented at , in the pdf version of my seminal work Murder by Decree: Genocide in Canada – A Counter Report to the ‘Truth and Reconciliation Commission’ (2016), and under ‘ITCCS Archives’ and ‘Video Evidence’ on the same website.
2. The Supreme Court allowed the pulping of thousands of testimonies of death camp survivors as early as October 2017, soon after the TRC began. The records were held by the government’s ‘Independent Assessment’ program, in which survivors applying for financial ‘compensation’ detailed the crimes done to them as children at the ‘residential schools’. See Allowing destruction of residential school records a bad court ruling | Ottawa Citizen , October 30, 2017.
3. See some of the statistics documenting this huge discrepancy between death rates on reservations and in the residential schools in the ‘Summary and Conclusions’ section at . For a lingering disease like tuberculosis to kill off so many children so quickly, and so consistently, the children had to have had their immune systems disastrously weakened through prolonged and deliberate starvation and trauma, which indicates a deliberate homicidal intent on the part of the staff and their church and state bosses.
4. The annual average mortality in the Auschwitz-Birkenau slave labor and death camps was between 15% and 25%, according to the Nuremberg Trial records and John C. Zimmerman in his authoritative work Body Disposal at Auschwitz: The End of Holocaust Denial (1999). By comparison, the average mortality in the Canadian Indian residential schools was between 35% and 65%. Two hundred and nine people were convicted for the deaths of Auschwitz inmates, while no-one has ever gone to trial for the residential school murders.
5. The June 12-14, 1998 Tribunal in Vancouver, BC was sponsored by the United Nations NGO IHRAAM and is documented at and its archives. The event was reported in the Globe and Mail, June 20, 1998.

See Part Two to this piece in the attached pdf:
A Close up of a Cover up:
The Case of Maisie ShawMurdered at Christmas, 1946 at the United Church’s Alberni Indian residential schoolby Principal Alfred Caldwellas witnessed by Harriett Nahanee