“Serve Tyranny No Longer”: A Kanata Independence Day Call to Crown officials, police, and soldiers

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“Serve Tyranny No Longer”: A Kanata Independence Day Call to Crown officials, police, and soldiers From Kevin Annett Eagle Strong Voice on behalf of the Republic National Council and its affiliated, treatied indigenous nations Welcome to the 8th anniversary of the founding of our sovereign Republic of Kanata! Today, in many communities our flag is ….  Read More

Three recent and delightful New Year broadcasts and interviews with Kevin Annett:

Breaking News

1. For recent information on Vatican-China-Crown crimes:Vatican Pedos, Canadian, Chinese & Royal Crimes: Kevin Annett (rumble.com) – A January 4 interview of Kevin by Shaun Attwood, UK2. For inspiration and invigoration:http://murderbydecree.com/2023/01/06/ending-the-three-headed-tyranny-an-inspiring-new-years-call-and-campaign-issued-by-kevin-annett/ – A New Year’s call to action, January 6 3. For a funny, irreverent and radical view of Canadian history:Here We Stand, January 8, 2023 | BBS Radio – “Our ….  Read More

Ending the three headed tyranny: An inspiring new year’s call and campaign issued by Kevin Annett

Breaking News

Ending the three headed tyranny: An inspiring new year’s call and campaign Ending the three headed tyranny: An inspiring new year’s call and campaign A January 6 Message from Kevin Annett Eagle Strong Voice and the International Republic Alliance It’s the dawn of the year 2023 and this is Kevin Annett Eagle Strong Voice. The symbol of a collapsing, ….  Read More

For immediate release, December 27: An Open Letter to Bishop Brian G. Mascord of Lumen Christi Catholic Church of Wollongong: Why was I assaulted in your church for simply telling the truth?

Breaking News

An Open Letter to Bishop Brian G. Mascord of Lumen Christi Catholic Church of Wollongong: Why was I assaulted in your church for simply telling the truth? December 27, 2022 Dear Bishop Mascord, My name is Georgina Cameron. I am a 68-year-old disabled woman who, on December 21, was assaulted by you, a priest, and ….  Read More

The recent Cree Massacre in Saskatchewan – Who did it, why, and how we stop them 

Breaking News

The recent Cree Massacre in Saskatchewan – Who did it, why, and how we stop them A Breaking December 6 interview with Kevin Annett and Owen Lucas of the Republic AllianceWith details of the upcoming Citizens Grand Jury investigationKevin Annett – “Corporate Death Squad Operation” 10 Native Murders (bitchute.com) Murdered by Rio Tinto Mining Corporation and ….  Read More

Mass murder, coverup, and payoffs: Following the Big Money behind the Cree Nation massacre

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Mass murder, coverup, and payoffs: Following the Big Money behind the Cree Nation massacre by Kevin Annett Mass murder, coverup, and payoffs: Following the Big Money behind the Cree Nation massacre in Canada The scenario is a familiar one: stage a conspicuous killing, kill the killers, and buy everyone’s silence. But why has it happened ….  Read More

Investigating themselves, again: Latest OPP scam and genocide concealment in Canada

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The Canada Tragic-Comedy Hour The Canada Tragic-Comedy Hour November 28, 2022 Investigating Themselves, Again: News Item: “Ontario Provincial Police open ‘tip line’ for anyone with information on criminal acts and child killing at the Anglican Mohawk residential school in Brantford” “Hello, is this the OPP Tip Line?” “Yes it is, how may we help you?” “I have ….  Read More

Fighting to Win: Strategy and Tactics for engaging the Corporatocracy, from The Art of War

Breaking News

Sun Tzu: “Know Your Enemy” – Kevin Annett Interview ((bitchute.com) Part Two in a seminar on how to wage modern guerilla warfare with your hosts Kevin Annett and Owen Lucas of the Global Republic Alliance Listen to the Voice of the Republic and the Resistance every Sunday on www.bbsradio.com/herewestand at 6 pm eastern, 11 pm Ireland, Monday ….  Read More


Breaking News

King Charles linked to the death of Kamloops children and William Combes – Witnesses describe murderous rituals in Canada and at Carnarvon Castle King Charles linked to death of Kamloops children and William Combes– Witnesses describe rituals Here We Stand, October 9, 2022 | BBS Radio October 10, 2022 London, UK: Today, on the 58th anniversary ….  Read More