Category: Breaking News

All that is hidden is being revealed: Rising as a new Nation as the old world collapses- A Communique and Update from Kevin Annett-Eagle Strong Voice and the Republic of Kanata on April 30, 2021

Breaking News

We are at a crossroads moment in our long battle to overcome tyranny. This message is for all of you who are enduring in that fight in the ranks of our sovereign Republic of Kanata, and to our allies at home and abroad. Years ago, I heard a lecture in Vancouver that speaks to our ….  Read More

Une attaque contre le meilleur d’entre nous vise nos cœurs! Un appel mondial pour défendre Kevin Annett

Breaking News

Publié par les amis et collaborateurs du Tribunal international des crimes d’Église et d’État et de la République de Kanata L’un des hommes les plus remarquables et les plus courageux du monde risque d’être arrêté et emprisonné au Canada. Le révérend Kevin Annett, un fervent combattant des droits de l’homme et célèbre dénonciateur, a reçu ….  Read More

An attack on the best of us is aimed at our hearts! A Global Appeal to Defend Kevin Annett

Breaking News

Issued by his friends and co-workers with The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State and the Republic of Kanata One of the world’s most outstanding and courageous men is facing arrest and confinement in Canada. Reverend Kevin Annett, a sterling fighter for human rights and famed whistleblower, was issued a fraudulent COVID isolation order on ….  Read More

Public Statement and Media Advisory of Kevin Annett regarding his forcible confinement and targeting by the Government of Canada Issued April 5, 2021 within the jurisdiction of the sovereign Republic of Kanata

Breaking News Last Friday, April 2, I received from the Government of Canada an Emergency Order to Isolate. This Order falsely claimed that I had recently returned to Canada from another country and therefore had to immediately self-isolate or face six months in jail. I state categorically that I did not leave Canada recently and that ….  Read More

Breaking News Release – March 6, 2021– Grand Jury convened to indict Canadian police and prison officials with assault, kidnapping and torture – Governor-General, Public Safety Minister named as co-conspirators in Crimes against Humanity and “institutionalized criminality”

Breaking News

Issued by the National Council of the Republic of Kanata Ottawa: A public Grand Jury is convening on Monday, March 22 to issue criminal indictments against Canadian officials who are charged with kidnapping and torturing a non-citizen of Canada. Among those who will be summoned to appear before the Grand Jury will be the acting ….  Read More

Breaking News Release: February 4, 2021 Republic Official kidnapped, unlawfully detained and tortured by Crown officials – Prosecution of those responsible sought in domestic and international courts

Breaking News

On January 8, a leading citizen and official of the Republic of Kanata, Paul of the Kuleba family, was kidnapped at gunpoint under an unendorsed warrant by the Durham Regional Police. For three weeks he was imprisoned unlawfully in the Central East Correction Center in Lindsay, Ontario, denied Habeas Corpus and subjected to physical assaults, ….  Read More


Breaking News

Paul Kuleba, the chief convener for the Republic in central Ontario and a Republic citizen, has been summarily arrested and jailed by the Durham Regional Police. Paul is being held incommunicado in the Central East Correctional Centre at 541 Kawartha Lakes County Road 36 in Lindsay, Ontario (ph: 705-328-6000). He is not allowed to receive ….  Read More